Southern California

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Tide Pools

This week has been busier at the Battalion.  School tours started up again.  We don’t ease in gradually, either.  There were over 70 kids the first morning.  And it is fall break in Arizona so we have a lot of visitors from there.  I have never heard of fall break.  Evidently, Utah has fall break next week.  It will keep us out of mischief.

Check out this beautiful sunset looking out from the front of the Battalion.

Here is a picture of me and Sister Cazares wearing our matching costumes. 

And here are Craig and Elder Miller wearing their matching costumes.

We were looking forward to this week since there was a negative tide for the first time in a couple of months.  We went to Cabrillo National Monument where there are tide pools. 

You need to carefully climb down to the water. 

Then start exploring!

We saw lots of pretty sea anemones.

Tons of hermit crabs moving around in the shells.
Do hermit crabs remind you of the Incredible Mr. Limpet?
 Other crabs, too.

I remember visiting tide pools as a kid and I remember it smelled.  No smell here!  Well, until we got to where a lot of seaweed was dying.  It smelled there.

We heard there was an octopus hiding under some rocks, but we didn’t see it.  Too bad.  But it was a beautiful day in a beautiful place and we had fun looking in the tide pools.

Let me introduce you to Chinese-American Sister Wang from Utah, who was called Mandarin speaking.  She loves to read, write, draw, and to play piano and violin.  Her mother and twin brothers are also currently serving missions.  They all got their calls on the same day!

Just recently Sister Wang generously donated 14 inches of hair.  Here is how long it used to be!

She says, “The restored gospel of Jesus Christ is my rock, song and salvation.  And I am a disciple of Christ.  I believe it, I live it, I love it!”

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the weekly updates, Sis! I always enjoy your photos and your highlighting of Sister missionaries. And it looks to me like "San Diego is for crabs!"


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