Southern California

Sunday, June 29, 2014

This Week's Comings and Goings

Several weeks ago two companionships invited us to go to lunch with them.  Tuesday is their P day, so that was the day we planned on.  We told them we’d pick them up and they were excited since they don’t have a chance very often to ride in anyone else’s car.  We took them to a nice pizza place we found on our P day a couple of weeks ago.  It was a lot of fun.  We love them.
 I know you won’t believe it was transfers again already.  Here is the transfer picture.  We got one new Sister from the MTC.  She was called Mandarin speaking.  Her name is Sister Wong from Hong Kong.  We already have Sister Wang (pronounced Wong) from Utah and Sister Huang (pronounced Wong with an H on the front) from Taiwan.  Three Sister Wongs, all Mandarin speaking.  We’ll see how we keep them all straight.  We learned today that there are 7 million people in Hong Kong.  It is about half the size of Rhode Island.  Rhode Island has a little over a million people.
This was the last transfer for President Clayton.  He and his wife said some nice things at the transfer meeting.  Our new Mission President, President Schmitt, was Mission President as soon as he came into the mission yesterday.  Craig talked to President and Sister Clayton after picture taking and told them he wishes we had gotten to know them better. But then he said maybe it was for the best that we didn’t, that would have meant we were in trouble.  President Clayton thanked Craig for being a low maintenance missionary.

All of the zones have a schedule to meet the new President and his wife this week.  The seniors will meet them at our monthly FHE on July 7.  The Schmitts are very young (40) with young kids.  We look forward to getting to know them.

Since we got a new Sister, one of our current Sisters was called to go full pross (full proselyting).  It was darling Sister Anderson, who has only been out for 2 transfers.  She was a little nervous about it, but she came in to the Battalion with her companion and an investigator and she is doing great.  She likes it a lot.  She’ll learn good things that will help her in the rest of her mission.

The other day a little boy was very unhappy and shouting at the statue of Levi in front of the building.  “Talk to me!  Why won’t you talk to me?”  His mom had a hard time convincing him the statue would not be saying anything. You can see a picture of the statue on the right side of the blog near the top.

We thought you might enjoy seeing some of the artifacts at the Battalion.
The Old-timey camera that takes old-timey pictures

This cannon actually accompanied the Mormon Battalion on their march.

The lantern and muskets were from the Battalion, the scriptures were from that time period.

Kiosk where you can look up any member of the Battalion and email that info to yourself, plus the large screen has games to play.

Such a pretty room!
Our Sister spotlight this week is fun Sister Baker from Idaho.   

 She attends BYU-I and is still deciding on her major.  Sometimes we call her Sister Macanoodle.  Craig was calling something “macanudo”, which means awesome in Spanish.  She thought he said Macanoodle and since she is awesome, she now has a nickname.  Sister Baker has a unique eating style like ketchup on her salad and this pickle sandwich.  There is ham, mushrooms, avocado and mustard in a dill pickle.

She is a tiny little thing, but is a fireball.  She is always smiling and people like to be around her.

Here are a couple of pictures from this week.


  1. Great photos! The one of the seagull is macanoodle.

  2. Must remember macanudo. Great word. You guys are doing great. Also like the "low maintenance" compliment.


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