Southern California

Sunday, August 31, 2014

End of Summer Slow Down

Summer vacation is over.  Most schools have started or will start this coming week.  We haven’t had nearly as many visitors.  Well, this Labor Day Weekend is our last hurrah and we have had a lot of holiday visitors so far.  September should be a nice break.  School tours won’t start until October.
A friend of Craig’s from high school came into town.  Peter is living in Japan and comes back once a year.  He was in Long Beach and made the trip to San Diego.  Peter and Craig played freshman baseball together.  They hadn’t seen each other since 1969!  But it was fun for them to catch up and to talk baseball together. 
They visited the Midway, the longest-serving Navy Aircraft Carrier of the 20th century.  They also visited the beautiful temple grounds and then went to La Jolla.  It was a fun day for them.

 Last week we took a drive through beautiful Coronado Island and down the coast a ways.  We have to soak up the beaches as much as we can while we are here.

Going over Coronado bridge

Famous Hotel Del

Fun statue on the community center

How fun is this bench?

We like bringing dinner to the beach and then walk for a ways.  Heaven!

Today you get to meet fun Sister Bermudez.  Originally from Mexico, she grew up in Utah.  She is an EMT and wants to be a Forensic Nurse.  She has a scholarship to BYU, but is a Ute fan!  What?  How does that work?  She loves her family more than anything.  She also loves Latin dancing, football, camping and the beach.  She is a Training Leader, which is a lot of responsibility.  She is a Spicy Latina!


  1. I've stayed at the Coronado. It really is beautiful. I hope when it slows down that you are not bored. The weather looks beautiful, as always.

  2. I was one of a group of vocational teachers that visited the Navy Base on Coronado several years ago. We toured an aircraft carrier and the Navy Seal base. Spectacular. I made everyone stop and visit the Del Coronado hotel on the way out because it was in my favorite movie, Some Like it Hot.


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